14 June 2013


Three reasons why today is a BIG day!

1. Today, my parents finally arrive!!!!!! After one delayed flight, and because of that delayed flight, a missed connecting flight, a night in Tokyo, they will be here at 1PM!!! Since I work at 1:15, Rick is headed to the airport to get them! On Fridays, I have a 4 hour break and usually I am too lazy to come home so I stay at the coffee shop down the street but today I will come home to see my parents!

2. I have my first demo today. A demo is where all the students' parents come and we basically put on a show for them to show them what they are paying for. I'm insanely stressed out about it. It's my first one, my co-teacher is new too so she has never had a demo either. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The class is a good class, except for three older kids who 100% don't want to be there and are ... a challenge, to say the least. Wish me luck. I might die.

3. We booked our tickets to Hong Kong!! We have a four day weekend in September off work so we decided to go somewhere! First we were thinking Singapore but then we started to look into Hong Kong. Which was cheaper so off to Hong Kong w ego! Plus its a shorter flight so more vacation time for us! Now we just have to book a place to stay, someone remind me to do that ASAP. Cause we all know Rick won't remember.

I probably won't have time to update a lot while my parents here so I hope everyone is enjoying reading the blog! Again, feel free to send us an e-mail if you have ANY questions at all! A couple people have e-mailed me and I am planning on making their questions (and any others) into a FAQ blog post. So send us some questions!

1 comment:

  1. Goodluck Ms. Pitul, I am 100% confident you rocked your demo! Have fun with your parents - Hong Kong sounds amazing.
